With the year of 2021 coming to an end, we reflect on the past year, and all that has unfolded. Whether it be the ongoing challenges of homelessness and poverty or the more current issues of COVID and local natural disasters, we, as a community, have faced an incredible amount of hardship. Even so, we continue to organize, communicate, and coordinate in order to make our best efforts in pushing forward the plane of progress. Individually, we all stand against these challenges; united, we rise above them. Only with these efforts from the many is KS Foundation able to support others as best as we can. Over the past year, thanks to help from all of you, we:
Raised over $8,000 in support of COVID-19 victims in India through Hope to Breathless fundraiser
Organized a successful Diwali fundraiser and Youth Team diya sale with about 25 vendors and more than 1000 people involved
Collaborated with Bike Bald Group to clean up and arrange donations for those affected by the tornado in Naperville
Served festive meals and collected essential donations for local food shelters in addition to monthly services (Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Shivratri, Vaisakhi, Thanksgiving, Christmas)
Assisted senior citizens with their errands and food and arranging for their COVID-19 vaccines
Adopted multiple orphans in Kenya to fund their education, lodging, food, and other essentials
Collaborated with Oswego East Key Club to donate milk and canned goods to local food pantries through efforts of the Youth Team
Worked with Sant Nirankari Mission to organize a coat and toy drive
Partnered with Bhojan as part of Donate a Bhojan efforts to distribute food to low-income areas in India
Participated in an Aids Walk/Run at Soldier Field in Chicago
We greatly appreciate all that our supporters help us with; whether it be monetary donations or volunteering, our operations depend upon the goodwill of thoughtful individuals such as yourself. By investing in the community, you are investing in a brighter future. Thanks to all of our team members, volunteers, donors, and other supporters, we were able to continue to pursue our mission of helping others throughout the course of 2021. We look forward to an even brighter, more impactful 2022!
To volunteer, please reach out to us.
Stay Safe, Stay Strong & Healthy.
KS Foundation Inc is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, tax-exempt charitable organization.
